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People's Reaction to Yesterday's Win Over Rochdale

Noble Member

Once again I fear many Widnes people, some who no doubt do not attend games, especially on Facebook are overreacting to our win. Yes there were some good indicators but we were playing a team a league below us at home with a much smaller & inferior skillwise squad. Consequently we were making up to 3 substitutions at a time, when they were making 1 or none, against a tiring team.I just wish people would wait until we have played York away & Keighley at home before being so over positive. Even then we need to keep our feet on the ground if we win both games as IMO I do not think either of those will finish top or second. I fear many will go from over-the- top praise to depressing negativity at the first defeat whereas neither is the reality. Just being more realistic would save many a lot of unecessary heart ache.

Topic starter Posted : 16/01/2023 10:56 pm
Honorable Member

@Geoff, I agree - pre-season is just a cross between a training session and a match. A bit more of a work out than training but not a real match. Best thing that can happen in the pre-season friendlies is no injuries, particularly to key players.

Posted : 17/01/2023 9:37 am
Reputable Member

Scoreline was irrelevant on Sunday, to a certain extent.  We just saw that by and large we were doing the right things and that the team where in good nick at this stage.  Scoreline then takes care of itself.

I don't think many people are getting carried away, RL fans are very reactive to the last scoreline, it's either high in the sky after a win or down on the ground/coach out/players don't care if they lose.  That's sport.

I just think we're in a good spot at the minute and the fact that we've got a team that will work hard (Kear teams are built on this) we'll be better than last year.

I also don't think York's squad is as good as last year, and Keighley are pining a lot of hope on Gale (who has been awful since he left Cas) - but that's me getting carried away!

Posted : 17/01/2023 9:49 am
Noble Member

Thought it was a solid, well organised performance and a convincing enough win against an inferior side. Nothing more, nothing less. Certainly don’t think we have suddenly become title contenders but the squad has more depth than last year and I’m expecting an improvement on the 8th placed finish.

Posted : 17/01/2023 12:19 pm
Prominent Member

I thought we did okay (no Gilmore, Craven, Dixon) blew off the cobwebs, the result was as previously been said.irrelevant.

I was impressed by Rochdale, think they'll be there or thereabouts in C1.

On to Oldham.



Paulie xx

Posted : 17/01/2023 4:13 pm
Noble Member

@pauliewalnuts Nice to see you are still here after saying you had had enough over no pay on the turnstiles last week. I think I correctly call that was you.

Topic starter Posted : 17/01/2023 5:23 pm
Noble Member

@pauliewalnuts Nice to see you are still here after saying you had had enough over no pay on the turnstiles last week. I think I correctly call that was you.

Topic starter Posted : 17/01/2023 5:24 pm
Prominent Member

@geoffw Oh okay, I'll disappear, just for you Geoff. (so good you posted twice)


Paulie xx

This post was modified 2 years ago by PaulieWalnuts
Posted : 17/01/2023 5:32 pm
Noble Member

Oh aye,the result was irrelevant.Imagine the reaction if the score went Rochdale's way ?

Posted : 17/01/2023 10:04 pm
Reputable Member

Posted by: @sinbad

Oh aye,the result was irrelevant.Imagine the reaction if the score went Rochdale's way ?

As I posted, it's about how the team start to perform, the result then takes care of itself.  We scored some decent tries and restricted Rochdale to one late one, show's that by and large we are on the right track and generally doing the right thing.  Nothing more nothing less.  


Posted : 18/01/2023 8:55 am