I think it’s a case of these players wanting game time and the club seemingly thinking why send them on loan and pay their wages if we can get them off the books and bring in dual reg/loan players at no cost.
These where signed as projects which Coleman said in the press releases, and I’m sure he told them this himself and they where all on 1 year deals so would have gone at the end of the season anyway if not playing.
The whole 27/28 squad thing is coming to bite us back on the arse because we’re clearly not able to keep them all happy or not happy with them playing first team.
halifax have the smallest squad at 20 don’t they?
For comparison (this includes all the recent comings and goings between clubs)
Widnes - 23 (lost sumner, brown and Jones - not including doolan on trial)
Fev - 24 (lost Zach herring and Thomas Lacans)
Sheffield - 23 (lost BJB and Mitch Clark)
York - 33 (added BJB and Mitch Clark)
Bradford - 28
Toulouse - 24 (added Thomas Lacans)
Halifax - 20
Only have to look back not that far to where the gaffer stated numerous times he wanted a bigger squad so there was competition for places ...so there was no chance of anyone sitting on their laurels ...so he could give key players a rest when possible....we're now in march ...two league games in and all that's gone out the window ....anyone who thinks this is anything other than for financial reasons needs to get their heads out of the sand ....the lack of match day income through the fixtures ATM most likely playing a major part ...sadly all this means their can just be an apathy within players ...were they know immaterial of performance they'll play the following week ...and tbh that's nailed on...already got a FB that can't catch a virus and is described as our "talisman"....standard for our club unfortunately and won't change anytime soon...only godsend ATM is were punching way above our weight currently and hopefully that continues...
@pauliewalnuts no other club has lost four players though Paulie from admittedly the smallest squad in the league
and if he doesn't fancy them why sign and waste the money? And he'd seen sumner play here and decided to keep him
How much was he on @vikingfox71 ?
Paulie xx
McKenzie Buckley also left as season started so that's 4 gone so we are running with 3 centres and 3 wingers 3 backs and a full back not enough if you want playoffs
plus with no jj we down to one hooker depressing how far we are falling
@pauliewalnuts does it matter ? Whatever he's been paid was a waste when he was re signed because Coleman liked him last year I'm used to the average championship side we have become but now we seem to have lost all ambition would love to see a fans forum now
@vikingfox71 clearly ignoring my above post which shows majority of teams around us in playoff terms have the same or 1 more or 1 less player…
the players we’ve lost are young kids, the players others are losing are first teamers. Massive difference
@scouseviking55 not ignoring as if !!
Halifax have well stated financial issues small squad understandable
Fev have already started looking for replacement esp half backs but obviously Cooke just taken charge
york huge squad
Sheffield have problem seemingly stemming from the Aston debacle
Toulouse adding to squad
Bradford spent money
us -said we wanted to run with a bigger squad (Coleman)then moaned about having small squad (Coleman) then lose players making even smaller squad