North Stand v Halif...
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North Stand v Halifx

Trusted Member

Common sense has prevailed!


Though I don't see how this significantly reduces costs versus having the whole stand open tbh.


Following a review of the matchday arrangements after the recent Swinton game at the DCBL Stadium, the club and Halton Borough Council can confirm a change to the seating availability in the North Stand.

For the upcoming Halifax game and moving forward. the North Stand will operate with the centre blocks being open.

This means that blocks C – G will be open and will provide a total of 2000+ seats in that stand-alone.

We have listened to fan’s feedback, in particular, and this was far greater in number than the previous requests we had received, therefore we are making this change.

We are trying to reach a compromise situation that meets the majority view and, whilst we would all like to have all of the North Stand open, we are both working together to minimise costs whilst looking to increase the matchday atmosphere.

This is not an unusual situation and happens at most clubs that operate from larger stadiums.

Both the club and the council are very appreciative of the support from fans at recent matches and the feedback provided. We have tried several options but hope now to have reached the best outcome.

Entry and exit will be via North Central turnstiles/exit gates but the pop-up bar which was operational for the last match will remain in place to assist fans.

Topic starter Posted : 09/04/2024 9:59 am
Prominent Member

Seems a sensible solution.

But more time/effort/communication has gone into sorting this than actually selling tickets for these games! 

Posted : 09/04/2024 6:28 pm
MW46 reacted
Reputable Member

The club tried something whether it’s their idea or the council telling them, they trialled a few things, ended up being the wrong thing to do. Fans complained, club listened and made a sensible solution (even if those ardent whingers still whinge). If they didn’t listen they would get called rotten and even with this solution some still call them rotten on social media.


fair play to the club and council with a reasonable solution. Hopefully those who threatened to never have a ticket again are reasonable too 

Posted : 10/04/2024 3:45 pm
MW46 reacted
Estimable Member

@scouseviking55 SV, I appreciate you're one of the most ardent, and at times aggressive defenders of the club, but if people aren't happy about the solution why are they whingers?

My main concern about the stand last week wasn't the seating, but the way everyone was herded down a corridor and a flight of stairs leaving the game by one exit. I'm not sure if I'm misreading the statement but it appears that's the same?

Sorry if I'm whinging but if that's the case, I can't see how this is a reasonable, sensible solution.


Posted : 11/04/2024 7:58 pm
Famed Member


Not as I read it tbh, using the central turnstiles and exit should be much les congestion, but we'll find out Sunday!

As it stands things may still need 'tweaking' but we've all had whinge and action is taken so time to get back to getting more wins and a stronger presence on the field.

Good crowd and plenty of chanting etc - and a win !!!!!!

Posted : 11/04/2024 9:08 pm
Famed Member

What the heck is this crap advertising doing on our forum? Scammers are a pain but this is worse!!!!

Posted : 11/04/2024 9:10 pm
Pensioner reacted
Reputable Member

@widnes77 nothing ardent nor aggressive by what I have said or ever say 🤣. I complain about the club as and when I feel necessary, I do defend when I believe the club are just being complained at for the sake of it. 

Never seen you pull up any of the actual aggressive ones who call anyone who defends the club from time to time daft names. People who will try and pull the club down no matter what they do are the aggressive ones pal not me saying people shouldn’t whinge because the club tried something, realised it didn’t work and have now come up with a solution that many think is reasonable 

Posted : 12/04/2024 2:08 pm
Estimable Member

@scouseviking55 sorry SV, I really can't understand what you're saying? Think you need to re-read what you've typed there mate as it makes no sense to me.

Posted : 12/04/2024 10:32 pm
Estimable Member

Didn't notice any difference in the post games organisation yesterday, everyone funnelled into a single exit point, was very ropey again on the steps.

Posted : 15/04/2024 12:16 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Posted by: @sandgroper

What the heck is this crap advertising doing on our forum? Scammers are a pain but this is worse!!!!

No idea what's happened with it, will try and get it sorted.


Posted : 17/04/2024 10:11 am
Martin and sandgroper reacted