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Making a case for the Chemics

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Noble Member

You're right that to an extent our views are tempered by the situation of the club, but I think to be fair the NA Clubs and the TV deal situation, let alone Covid, make it a more urgent issue to discuss the structure and how things go forward.

Posted : 22/09/2020 7:09 pm
Noble Member

Probably right I guess. If we had our snout in the SL trough, we would not as supporters given much thought to the plight of Championship clubs. The difference now, of course, is that even if we were in SL, the NA expansion could see clubs like Widnes thrown by the wayside as they do not fit the big city criteria.

What we need from RFL/SL is some clarity on the NA expansion and an international league (Australasian teams?) raking in millions from the NA broadcasters; and where they see the future of the game for the UK teams not meeting the international criteria. I won't hold my breath.

Posted : 22/09/2020 7:40 pm
Famed Member

We are not the only fans frustrated by the lack of any long term development programme.

Non SL clubs and, quite possibly, some lower ranked SL clubs are concerned as to what the future may hold. Non SL clubs particularly are fed up being the make-weight to test the NA glamour club on their way into SL. These clubs need some stability in the competition to help sell Season Tickets. For that they need the prospect of promotion, or a well organised alternative to focus fans objectives. If the chance of promotion is virtually cancelled out by a competitor able to buy players in a different cost bracket and as the season is organised atm there is little else to get excited about other than the 1895 Cup.

Covid 19 is a pain, but it could give the powers that be an opportunity to think about a reorganisation of the game to make it more attractive to the fans, both existing and new. I have little confidence that this will happen unless, maybe, breakaway talk continues in tbe media to remind them that we are not happy!

Posted : 22/09/2020 9:38 pm
Honorable Member

If we had our snout in the SL trough, we would not as supporters given much thought to the plight of Championship clubs. The difference now, of course, is that even if we were in SL, the NA expansion could see clubs like Widnes thrown by the wayside as they do not fit the big city criteria.

Agreed. It's not necessarily just about where we find ourselves now, it's also about where the people who run SL see us long-term. And that's NOT in SL. Toronto, now Ottowa, next NY, there is no space for a 'Widnes' in this plan, we don't fit this strategy. Until it collapses we'll be on the outside. Luckily for them, we're on the outside now, I would also be worried if I was Cas, Wakey etc. there's no way they fit into the 'vision'.

Posted : 23/09/2020 6:13 am
Famed Member

It’s not necessarily just about where we find ourselves now, it’s also about where the people who run SL see us long-term. And that’s NOT in SL. Toronto, now Ottowa, next NY, there is no space for a ‘Widnes’ in this plan, we don’t fit this strategy. Until it collapses we’ll be on the outside. Luckily for them, we’re on the outside now, I would also be worried if I was Cas, Wakey etc. there’s no way they fit into the ‘vision’.

Ain't that the truth!. Strange to say but in many ways we were better prepared for this situation than many who were smuggly watching our administration problems. At least we have pared our staffing to the bone and relied on voluntary effort and goodwill for a long time now. That's not to say we are 'safe', nobody is that imo until we are as free as possible of this Covid crisis.

But then this crisis could force a re-think about the UK game proper which is where we probably fit best!

Posted : 23/09/2020 9:35 am
Trusted Member

I'm not wholly convinced that SL/RFL want to see NA expansion I think they let them in because it was a bit of free publicity and they thought they'd burn out in a season or two. Same with Ottowa/NYC, though I imagine they'll have panicked a bit seeing how Toronto rocketed up the divisions.

You can see this in the delay in confirming they'd even compete in SL last summer, can you imagine that happening with a heartland club? If they were so keen they'd have been waved through not put under extra scrutiny.

The reason Toronto are in SL is because they didn't take central funding which freed up money to be distributed between the other clubs, who incidentally are the clubs that got to take the decision to let them in.

Assuming that SL/RFL have an agenda is, I feel, giving them a little too much credit. As if they have some sort of plan. I think SL clubs look out for themselves and the RFL will broadly go along with anything so long as someone else is paying for it. Hence where we find ourselves now, I don't think there's a NA/big city expansion plan from the powers that be in the game it's coming from outside actors and the RFL are too deferential/lazy to do much about it.

Posted : 23/09/2020 7:56 pm
Reputable Member

I think we all know Toronto and any NA expansion club is using SL and the RFL to better themselves and potentially  gain traction in their own country development or get a deal elsewhere


they would walk away from SL if it suited them without a second thought and leave it back where it was before they entered for ‘expansion’

Posted : 23/09/2020 8:25 pm
Prominent Member Admin

4. Widnes vs Leigh (2019) was the most watched televised championship game ever or had the highest audience of all the rl games played that season (not sure which one it was?).

Not quite. It was the most watched regular season game in the Championship that year (narrowly beating Bradford v Toronto), but given the only televised games were at Summer Bash and 10 Toronto matches, there wasn't a great deal of competition.

All but one of the Championship play-off matches were bigger viewing figures, and the Toronto v Featherstone Grand Final attracted 140k+ (Leigh v Widnes attracted just over 80k).

Posted : 05/10/2020 1:58 pm
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