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Noble Member

Another signing being announced at 6-00, looks like yet another Swinton player , Nick Gregson, second row/loose forward.

Posted : 05/11/2023 2:33 pm
Honorable Member

Posted by: @halfback-ragnarsson

Sandgroper, I think Davies played that day, but I take your point.

Everyone will have their own opinion, and I think that being better organised on the pitch will be the single biggest difference, it doesn't matter how good the players are if we are all over the shop, which we were at the start of last year. It got better after the change in coach but the damage was done. It was why teams could beat us with simple game plans, because we didn't have one and just relied on individuals.

This year, the front row looks significantly stronger, Lloyd, Wilde and Field look good in the back row, add in Bent who might play LF with at least one more addition. The backs look good with competition for places. Halfback numbers are a concern, it only takes an injury or suspension and we are back to shuffling around.


The reason we lost most games was because our 'Middles' were soft as shite. Our main tackler (Bent) was injured long term with his ACL. Farnworth rarely broke a tackle, though he never shirked taking the ball in. Ant Walker is a 40 min prop at best, and Shane Grady was over-used, so much so he was busted and retired.


Paulie xx


Posted : 05/11/2023 5:36 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Posted by: @halfback-ragnarsson

Sandgroper, I think Davies played that day, but I take your point.

Everyone will have their own opinion, and I think that being better organised on the pitch will be the single biggest difference, it doesn't matter how good the players are if we are all over the shop, which we were at the start of last year. It got better after the change in coach but the damage was done. It was why teams could beat us with simple game plans, because we didn't have one and just relied on individuals.

This year, the front row looks significantly stronger, Lloyd, Wilde and Field look good in the back row, add in Bent who might play LF with at least one more addition. The backs look good with competition for places. Halfback numbers are a concern, it only takes an injury or suspension and we are back to shuffling around.


We weren't all over the shop at the start of last year - we'd have won eight out of the first 9 but for two 14-12 defeats to Bradford and Toulouse.

One of the most interesting things Coleman said was that other teams talked about Widnes and said you need to get in to them early because if you do, then they'll start blaming each other and fall apart. And that can be evidenced in some of the games from last season. I suppose the question is have the player(s) who contributed to the blame game now left the scene.

On the flip side, he said if they get it right, then they can be very good (which we saw against Halifax and Bradford at home, amongst others).


Posted : 05/11/2023 5:48 pm
Noble Member

It’s Gregson from Swinton. I’m starting to lose the will to live, it’s going beyond a joke. We let a player like Olly Davies leave and sign another from a relegation battle team. Is it part of the contract that a new coach brings half his team with him, really really poor. 

Posted : 05/11/2023 6:19 pm
Noble Member

I think he’s a decent player, plays with some aggression. One thing is for sure is that if we are going to sign players from Swinton our current coach is better placed than just about anyone to select the right ones. 

Posted : 05/11/2023 6:35 pm
Noble Member

When I had the chance to watch us on tv last season it looked like Owens was blaming a lot of the players around him even when he was making mistakes, a captain should rally his troops not scream blame at them. I wonder who will be captain next season 

Posted : 05/11/2023 7:38 pm
Reputable Member

That's 22 signed now ..if Colemans comments are to go by there's anything between 1and 4 still to come ..could actually be done completely n the rest used up as loans ...but I'd say one thing n that it'd be quite refreshing to sign a couple of players that haven't been telegraphed and bit of a surprise coz this window has been beyond painful..drip feed of known retention and bar Liam kirk we've all known the new recruits well prior to announcement 

Posted : 05/11/2023 7:40 pm
Reputable Member

Meant 1 and 3 

Posted : 05/11/2023 7:53 pm
Prominent Member

What a shambles the club is in now.wirh bringing in so many Swinton players. They just survived and these signings won't get bums on seats Hamilton is wrecking my club and funny on the Swinton forum are not upset. Says a lot we have bought bang average and will struggle to stay up. We be down to 2k fans at this rate. 

Posted : 05/11/2023 8:12 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @pascal

What a shambles the club is in now.wirh bringing in so many Swinton players. *They just survived* and these signings won't get bums on seats Hamilton is wrecking my club **and funny on the Swinton forum are not upset.** Says a lot we have bought bang average and will struggle to stay up. We be down to 2k fans at this rate. 

** No we're / I'm not upset ** and we're / I'm pleased with our retentions and signings so far.

Our aims next term are to improve on the (* just one place below you mob *) tenth finish of last term, and......

Of course with ex-Lions both on and off the park now being at your gaff, our guys will be fired up big style when our respective teams cross swords!

Bring it on!



Posted : 05/11/2023 8:48 pm
Reputable Member

This could be the first time in over 30 years I don’t re-new my season ticket. 

5 in our party and not one of us has instigated it like we usually do. With the squad we are assembling I have zero motivation to renew currently. 9th or 10th in the Championship is not what this club should be aiming for. 

Posted : 05/11/2023 9:11 pm
Pascal reacted
Prominent Member

Posted by: @spelly

Posted by: @pascal

What a shambles the club is in now.wirh bringing in so many Swinton players. *They just survived* and these signings won't get bums on seats Hamilton is wrecking my club **and funny on the Swinton forum are not upset.** Says a lot we have bought bang average and will struggle to stay up. We be down to 2k fans at this rate. 

** No we're / I'm not upset ** and we're / I'm pleased with our retentions and signings so far.

Our aims next term are to improve on the (* just one place below you mob *) tenth finish of last term, and......

Of course with ex-Lions both on and off the park now being at your gaff, our guys will be fired up big style when our respective teams cross swords!

Bring it on!



That clearly says to me Widnes have signed dog crunchie players and this says relegation for me. Don't be surprised we go under and Hamilton is to blame. That fat curlywurly, and  I can see why Price left the club now. I think SalWid who come on here was Adam Lawton. I fully understand why he is upset, and a season I am not looking forward too. I won't be watching this shite, and number of season tickets sold will be 1 less with me. I am sure others will follow suit with this shite squad. 


Posted : 05/11/2023 9:52 pm
Prominent Member

Posted by: @viking-man

This could be the first time in over 30 years I don’t re-new my season ticket. 

5 in our party and not one of us has instigated it like we usually do. With the squad we are assembling I have zero motivation to renew currently. 9th or 10th in the Championship is not what this club should be aiming for. 

Hamilton is the problem. Don't want that fat curlywurly at my club. 


Posted : 05/11/2023 9:58 pm
Noble Member

Posted by: @mckviking

When I had the chance to watch us on tv last season it looked like Owens was blaming a lot of the players around him even when he was making mistakes, a captain should rally his troops not scream blame at them. I wonder who will be captain next season 


I wonder Fozard with Gilmore as vice - or the other way round.


Posted : 05/11/2023 11:29 pm
Noble Member

I think he will give the captaincy to Lloyd. I would give it Gilmore personally. Fozzard is the ideal captain but as hooker he is spelled & the captain should be on the field all the time when fit.

Posted : 05/11/2023 11:39 pm
sandgroper reacted
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