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Estimable Member

Also play in a empty stadium and have money problems so no way can they be above us never mind Keighley  from div one above us we have failed miserably 

Posted : 23/10/2024 10:07 am
Noble Member

Both Batley and Haven submitted late so I aasume it's possible we could slip to 23rd ?

Anyway,the club voted for this so no complaints now.

Posted : 23/10/2024 10:18 am
Famed Member

The way it looks East/West we could be looking at a massive Yorkshire bias with the west of the hump clubs forming the Championship. 

What really matters is what Sky think of the evaluation system, their assessment will rule, whatever IMG or RFL or the SL clubs think!


Posted : 23/10/2024 10:19 am
Estimable Member

We can't complain but we have massive underestimated what needed doing or how to implement it which as much our fault as well as the crazy system which img is there is no way back for us through this system obviously looking at whose ahead of us 

Posted : 23/10/2024 10:27 am
Prominent Member

I think there may be a few clubs thinking about what they've already spent on 2025, before today. On the 'listing' Oldham will be back in C1. And overall, with crowds on the decline, are things going to get better in 2025?

The game is Donald Ducked.


Paulie xx

Posted : 23/10/2024 10:37 am
Noble Member

I don’t think I have said this about our new club but our board are a disgrace!!
we have fallen from sixteen to twentieth and are below teams that should not hold a candle to us. Barrow (spent time in lower division) have three points more than us, Featherstone two points,  Keighley (in a division below) half a point more, Halifax and Sheffield with all their problems. We have had twelve months to make adjustments and aim for points however small and made no effort. 
       As for attendances, I said last year I expected the board to give incentives to increase our average but nothing was done, the council could have put advertising around the ground and claimed any royalties but nothing, there are others.
      I just feel terribly let down by a lack of effort and before anyone says it NO I was not expecting an A effort but a higher position than twentieth

Posted : 23/10/2024 10:47 am
Reputable Member

It's always easier and churlish to point the finger and blame other people/ factions.

Hopefully the club the this on the chin, address the feedback and areas of concern and try to improve. I think we've all got a part to play in that process and we too must help.

There was a man appointed who apparently had a wealth of RL administrative experience who would guide us through this period of ranking and during his tenure our ranking has fell off a cliff.

Posted : 23/10/2024 11:14 am
Reputable Member

I could be imagining this but didn’t we bring in someone a couple of years ago who used to work at the RFL to help increase are grading and make sure we get the right things in place to give ourselves a fighting chance? Also would be great if us and other clubs feeling hard done by could breakaway and form a new league and competition… and have millions of £££ to spend. 

Posted : 23/10/2024 11:54 am
Reputable Member
Active Member

some of the clubs - cas for one have played the system better, now with an A grading unless 3 others achieve it they are safe.

with points for league positions those outside of SL will struggle to get an A grade.

i must admit I was shocked how far we have fallen, to be below barrow in particular, we know bradfraud seem to have special status even with their decrepit stadium and junior pitch.

i assume all below the promised land play in the league where their playing performance got them ( which is totally the other way around to the gradings) look at Oldham - that was a bit of a shock, but playing at a virtually empty stadium must of cost them, they would prolly scored better staying where they were with bigger crowds

anyway time to forget about that rubbish and concentrate on our new signings

onwards and upwards 

Posted : 23/10/2024 12:25 pm
Estimable Member

@martin correct, I was at a meeting when the board stated they would dramatically improve our ratings and they brought in Hamilton to do this. Appalling effort by the club.

Posted : 23/10/2024 12:37 pm
Honorable Member

We scored 10.17 last year. How have we managed to LOSE over 15% of our score? Has the detailed calc been released yet?

Posted : 23/10/2024 12:51 pm
Halfback Ragnarsson
Estimable Member

Of all the clubs who were graded, the difference in the scores from 2023 till now was for us, the second worst of all, only Newcastle dropped more points. Looks like we have alot to do.we went from 10.17 to 8.6

Posted : 23/10/2024 1:43 pm
Halfback Ragnarsson
Estimable Member

Whats has changed with the Stadium to warrant that loss, I don't understand.

Posted : 23/10/2024 1:46 pm
Prominent Member

The more I think about the score, the more disappointed I am with the club.

To be 22nd is unacceptable. There’s got to be some accountability for what’s happened. I can maybe understand standing still, but to go so far backwards in a year is a disgrace. The statement released is awful too, especially given some of the others clubs have released.  

Posted : 23/10/2024 2:06 pm
Prisoner reacted
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