8-0 now - kick to come.
Fozard try. Converted. 10-6.
Fleming try after Hodgkinson break. Converted. 10-12.
On Hunslet line, Patten threw a long pass, intercepted, 90 yd try. Converted. 16-12.
Hunslet try. 20-12, kick to come.
HT, goal missed.
Literally handing them the half time lead.
lot of work needed second half but only ourselves to blame
Very poor ball retention, we really need to up the effort second half
An absolute disgrace. Usual problem on their line, all the possession and come away with nothing. Need a big forty next😡
Widnes attacking skills sound very poor, no spark as the radio guys say.
Williams try - at last.....We have most of the play but just can't score.
Touchline conversion. 20-18.
Roberts try - in the lead again at last. Converted. 20-24.
Hunslet try after a forward pass and Gregson missing his tackle. converted. 26-24.
Roberts second try. Goal missed. 26-28.