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Hardcore fans

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Reputable Member

Seems that even the most hardcore fans are now becoming disillusioned with the absolute dross that is being served up at the moment. 

Something is going to have to give - last season was a disaster but I’m afraid this year is on track to be even worse. 

I have been there through thick and thin (and thinner!) but I was gone with half an hour to go today, the whole day is just such a non-event, it’s like a chore attending these days and the performances are nothing short of a disgrace really. 

featherstone next week could get really really ugly. 

Topic starter Posted : 24/04/2022 10:08 pm
Noble Member

Couldn't agree more. 

I've looked forward to rearranged Tuesday night Northern Rail Cup Fixtures more than I have the latest set of home games.

There seems to be no level of respectability about us, the random soundbites when we miraculously score a try sum it up.

I'm too young for all the glory years, but in my time watching Widnes at least there was a fight to be a good Championship team as a bare minimum. What are we now? Bar a laughing stock?

Posted : 24/04/2022 10:26 pm
Famed Member


What is sad that you get the feeling that it is the increasing speed of a hill that sees the end of us.

I have supported for too many years when all that we had was guts but yesterday our tackling had very little 'attitude'. It was more like an opposed training session, two holding on and one gesture at stopping the legs. Sadly the leg tackler let go before the  tackled player hit the floor - result another 5metres lost!

I felt sorry for the few who were giving as much as they could, even Matty Smith getting rougher to show the rest!

I could honestly see Matty and others signing off rather than suffer more days like yesterday.

What can be done? We don't honestly know how the team spirit is but leaving Ramon on the bench for threequarters of the game and Will Tilleke struggling and dispirited on the field does make me wonder about who pulls the strings.

When I started supporting in the 1950's we had a pack much like the Batley crew. Big and rough with few big stars, but no team enjoyed playing Widnes.

Posted : 25/04/2022 7:13 am
Estimable Member

Totally agree with all the above posts,I’ve been watching the team since 87’ mostly as a season ticket holder and apart from about 5 years it’s been largely disappointment mixed with small success(The Kelly Years)I was involved in the what was the first incarnation of VIQi that started at the Albion Pub and handed the first cheque to the club when we helped sign Martin Crompton,You always felt with the hardcore set of fans we’ve have,We’d always dust ourselves down and fight to get back to the top table.Now I think a lot of fans haven’t the stomach for it anymore I think Rule,The O’Connors and the other hangers on have finally broken the spirit of the hardcore,Unless there are major changes on and off the pitch I fear we’ll be in administration within 12 months.

Posted : 25/04/2022 7:55 am
Reputable Member

I left on just about 60 mins (when Batley scored their first second half try).

I’ve said it before it feels like a trial going to watch these teams. I didn’t renew my season ticket this year and thought (because of Covid) I’d take it on a game by game basis but laying £22 for me (and my adult son occasionally) plus food and drink is too much in these tricky times for what we get back.

I can foresee a scrap at the bottom (again) as play offs seem to be gone now.

The thing I always hate is we’re always the same. Same old tactics (none!). Same old money saving cost cutting  (surely we’re one of the best supported teams bar B’food/Leigh/Fev?). Same old crappy Widnes. Same struggles season to season. Same old embarrassment. 

Well I and a fair few others will have to start choosing what our priorities are. And over £60 a match day for the dross being served up most weeks will fall down the list.

Something needs to be done. Again. 🙄

Posted : 25/04/2022 8:02 am
Prominent Member

@johnnyboy I don't know any fan who actually look forward to the games anymore it is more like a chore.

Posted : 25/04/2022 8:04 am
Johnnyboy reacted
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

As a hardened, long time season ticket holder I’ll be there for home games and a few away matches - despite the best efforts of the coach and players.

My mate, who had never been to our ground before, hasn’t actually said that he won’t come again, but he commented on the empty seats, lack of atmosphere and basic errors made by our players. 

If he is “a typical first-timer” then the outlook is bleak.

Posted : 25/04/2022 8:14 am
Estimable Member

I see that the supporters club coaches have been cancelled for Fev and Sheff due to lack of numbers.

Posted : 26/04/2022 8:59 am
Honorable Member

Put simply, there are a lot more entertaining things to do these days than watch Widnes at home, let alone adding on a hundred mile round trip to Yorkshire on a rainy day.

The way things are inevitably going our crowds will be down below a thousand sooner rather than later.

Posted : 26/04/2022 9:47 am
Active Member

I left on 65 min, second time ,Leigh then Batley, season ticket holder for more than 20 years,worst I've seen since, stadium was being flattened and rebuilt but even that side gave more than this lot.

Posted : 26/04/2022 11:40 am
Estimable Member
Posted by: @widiot

Seems that even the most hardcore fans are now becoming disillusioned with the absolute dross that is being served up at the moment. 

Something is going to have to give - last season was a disaster but I’m afraid this year is on track to be even worse. 

I have been there through thick and thin (and thinner!) but I was gone with half an hour to go today, the whole day is just such a non-event, it’s like a chore attending these days and the performances are nothing short of a disgrace really. 

featherstone next week could get really really ugly. 

I seen a few leaving with a lot of time left.


I have however seen much worse under graeme West

Posted : 26/04/2022 9:22 pm
Honorable Member

@primrose-viking Where you around in the 1960’s - the only running at training was a jog to the pub. West wasn’t bad by comparison 😁😉

Posted : 27/04/2022 12:55 am
Trusted Member
Posted by: @d-day

I see that the supporters club coaches have been cancelled for Fev and Sheff due to lack of numbers.

Used to like trips to not coach but a day out.

Even though often a loss...but still a good game.

There is no point in going to Fev................50+ will never be in contention.

Sheffield.............cannot see any result there either.

Playing the worse teams in the league very early just masked how poor we really are.

London home.............must win this everyone will give up on them

Posted : 28/04/2022 10:27 am
Eminent Member
Posted by: @former-chemic

As a hardened, long time season ticket holder I’ll be there for home games and a few away matches - despite the best efforts of the coach and players.

My mate, who had never been to our ground before, hasn’t actually said that he won’t come again, but he commented on the empty seats, lack of atmosphere and basic errors made by our players. 

If he is “a typical first-timer” then the outlook is bleak.

Lack of atmosphere is what does it for most I think. It's so dull.

Posted : 28/04/2022 4:33 pm
Noble Member

Chicken and egg situation regarding atmosphere for me. Good performances on the pitch would raise the atmosphere. 

Posted : 28/04/2022 10:06 pm
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