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Convincing win

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Noble Member

I listened to most of the game on radio, sounds like we beat a weak team but will be a boost for players morale and a much needed 2 points 

can people give players ratings as I can’t get to the games as living stateside 

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 3:29 pm
Estimable Member
Posted by: @mckeeverviking

I listened to most of the game on radio, sounds like we beat a weak team but will be a boost for players morale and a much needed 2 points 

can people give players ratings as I can’t get to the games as living stateside 

It was a fine performance 

Only about 1200 there

Which is a real shame

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:13 pm
Mckviking reacted
Reputable Member

Much bettter performance, threw the ball about with confidence. 

thought Fozzard, Smith & Tyrer we’re the stand out performers. 

attendance closer to 2,500 than 1,200.

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:28 pm
Noble Member

@primrose-viking we all knew previous results were going to affect attendances but that’s low 

can people please put up their players ratings as it may put us all in the picture for those who couldn’t make the game 

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 4:30 pm
Noble Member

Wow 1200 would be shocking, could not make today, caught the second half on radio - looks like we beat a poor team easily, harder games to come

can we make the playoffs ? - I say yes 

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:31 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

We played really well, one of the best performances of the season. I thought we would struggle and win narrowly by 6-8 points, so to win by 40 points was excellent,

Fozzard was MoM for his hAt trick and his play in general, I thought he  was closely followed by Smith who I think had h  it s best game of the season, e we other done great kicks that we scored some good tries from. Pity we fell asleep in the last 10 minutes to give them 2 tries.

Hipefully that  will give us confidence for next week game at Sheffield which we could win, especially if Cravens back .

We don’t seem to have much luck with new signings, with another one getting injured (Johnson), let’s hope it isn’t a serious injury and he can play again next week, as I thought he played well.

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:33 pm
Estimable Member



That was the attendance whatever way the media guru wants to spin it

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:36 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

@farnworth-viking What happened to Johnson 

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 4:48 pm
Noble Member

I thought there was a lot more than 1,200 there, I would say double that. I think you must just have been looking at one stand Primrose!

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:49 pm
Noble Member


He hurt his knee/leg about 10 minutes from the end. But he was sat on the bench with a ice pack on it, so it might not be serious.

Posted : 15/05/2022 4:52 pm
Mckviking reacted
Estimable Member

It was nice to see a change in tactics from previous games.

Ball kicked high into the air, players underneath it and in amongst the defence, lead to a couple of tries.

How many times did the ball get passed out of a multiple man tackle and there was somebody there to take the ball.

Hardly any 5 drives and a kick, the ball seemed to be constantly on the move touchline to touchline and back.

It was entertaining rugby.


Posted : 15/05/2022 4:52 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

@farnworth-viking he’s a prop correct? How’d he go?

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 5:08 pm
Noble Member

@djones  I think previously we had been playing to finnegans game play and style and it obviously wasn’t working to our strengths. I believe R O’B will give smith the freedom to play his own game

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 5:13 pm
Former Chemic
Honorable Member

Whitehaven weren’t really bad, just a bang average team. To their credit they didn’t give up at any point and deserved to score when we took our foot off the pedal in the last 10 mins or so.

IMHO Smith played very well, as did Doro, Fozzard, the two Joes and Farnworth. But not one player on the pitch let us down and, for me, the change of tactics resulted in a far better team effort.

With regards to the actual attendance, (not the curious official figures) it was poor, I’d say about the same crowd as for the Batley game. I really can’t understand where all the season ticket holders in my part of the ground are going to on a match day! 

Posted : 15/05/2022 5:17 pm
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

@former-chemic from what I’m hearing it’s not a great game day experience add that to 7 defeats on the bounce. I would have thought the game before ours might have helped but not really 


the club has a lot to do to get people back through the turnstiles 

Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 5:21 pm
Hans Moleman reacted
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