The ‘elephant in the room’ being that Bradford got rid of him. He does have decent qualifications for the job though and him joining wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
I have to say I’m a bit sceptical about there being a bigger (transfer) budget for next season. I’d like to know where the money is coming from before I get my hopes up too much.
Anyone spot John Kear at the stadium today?
RoB surely isn't in contention now.
If it's John Kear, then yes he wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but I for one would be prepared to give him a chance. The need to have a reasonable 2nd half of the season far outweighs anything else for me now.
Bradford have won 3 out of 4 since Kear was sacked. Kear's Bradford also lost to Simon Finnigan's Widnes twice. Maybe his appointment might appease a percentage of the fanbase.
That said, Kear would be better than no coach.
With Kear, I agree his recent record isn't one to be inspired by.
But RoB has lost 3 out of 4, Duffy had a mixed record at Fev/Leigh for the money spent, there is no outstanding choice or choice with a lack of risk available to us.
However, someone with a bit of presence and nous to add some structure and reshape the squad surely can't be beyond availability.
If we are going for Kear we may as well bring Cullen back, at least he would put some fight in the players
If it really is a toss-up between Duffy and Higham then we may as well hang fire no matter how painful the remainder of the season will be because either of those will make no difference and we will be back to square one.
Has Bernard Long been found yet?, could be worth a shout.
What I can guarantee if higham is the new coach that the team would be fit and play for 80 minutes or they’d be out the door. I don’t know his coaching credentials but maybe someone as a tactical assistant coach would be useful. I believe finney and his crew have the club at heart but are clearly not up to the challenge
Othere options may become available ? Got to get it right this time even if it takes a while and either of those two wont stop the rot, in my opinion.The season's finished anyway,more or less.Or will be come 5 pm Tomorrow.
It's a catch 22, the season is now gone, so why appoint someone, when come the end of the season better options may well become available. However with current performances so abysmal we may not have any fans left by that stage, once you get out of the habit, some of them won't come back.
We clearly can't carry on until the end of the season getting thrashed by Sheffield and Bradford and really struggling to score more than 1 try a game.
Good idea SG, bring in Kear as a mentor to a less experienced person (our current coach?)
Does PF not act as a kind of DoR: been seen regularly in and around the Coaching?
We are only half way through the season.
After we lose tomorrow, we will have 13 games left. We can't afford to write off all of that, a New Coach given half a season to assess what we have, also to win a few games. Still numerous home games (7) plus the Bash, need to keep attendances and reignite some level of optimism for next year.
Makes you wonder, does anyone actually want to take the role on