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Noble Member

Lack of penetration again - can anybody tell me why we play gregson ?
losing to a mid table team sums us up I am afraid - need another half back, Jack had a mare again 

lucky to make playoffs now 

Topic starter Posted : 30/06/2024 3:12 pm
Noble Member

I was away so didn’t go but Well I did said Widnes by thirty and have to apologise for being an optimist. However how many on this site wanted Roby at full back and we reaped his game!!!!, wanted anyone but Lyons in the half’s and both replacements were poor. Subs bench must be the smallest in the league and as for size we let our biggest forward go and our second biggest is eighteenth man. Think we need explanations from the man who’s playing everyone out of position and picking the smallest men and pitting them against the biggest.👍👍

Posted : 30/06/2024 3:24 pm
Prominent Member Admin

Lyons walks back in to the team next week after that, Dixon too. Should probably end the clamour for Roby to be the full back also. Maybe time to turn to Warrington for some bigger forwards on dual-reg. The way the club handles the post May 1st part of the season needs addressing - letting Walker go off the back of a bit of emotional blackmail, bet Swinton are laughing their heads off.

Posted : 30/06/2024 3:34 pm
alanC reacted
Prominent Member

To let Walker leave was a poor decision imo. He couldn’t do big minutes but he gave us somewhat of an impact off the bench.

Posted : 30/06/2024 3:47 pm
alanC reacted
Noble Member

Posted by: @jdgsport

Lyons walks back in to the team next week after that, Dixon too. Should probably end the clamour for Roby to be the full back also. Maybe time to turn to Warrington for some bigger forwards on dual-reg. The way the club handles the post May 1st part of the season needs addressing - letting Walker go off the back of a bit of emotional blackmail, bet Swinton are laughing their heads off.

Not sure about that mate! We'll see next week, and of course, the ex-Viking will not be in our line-up, but.....

Summat's gotta give, coz you've lost three on the spin, and us four.

Naturally, I hope we can stop the rot, although after the last two (non) shows we've come up with, I'm not exactly brimming with confidence, but............

See you at Heywood Road!



Posted : 30/06/2024 4:25 pm
Halfback Ragnarsson
Estimable Member

Bad day at the office.

Probably quite a few reasons for losing, but Batley made progress to easily up the pitch with players hanging off them. I hope Roberts is okay, we just shouldn't be asking him to play prop, he will get seriously hurt if he hasn't already. Brogan and Max Roberts got run over in the middle. If Field isn't fit, Murray and Kirk have to do longer shifts, which isn't fair, but they were doing that earlier in the season.

Walker's gone, so it is what it is. On to next week now.

Posted : 30/06/2024 4:26 pm
Reputable Member

Very poor from 1-13 today, looked like a Widnes team from previous seasons we’ve had a big thing about how we’re different and don’t give up, well today it really didn’t look like that. Feel for Roby as he was poor today and along with Owen’s also, 3 different fullbacks in one game isn’t good enough. We really need to win the next 2 to try and get play offs 

Posted : 30/06/2024 4:30 pm
Noble Member

Looking at the game - did brand improve us , edge is missed big time, roberts should be in the centres 

we played with very few big units against a team with 4-5 huge ones 

again gregson ?
we are now up against it, we have to go to batley,wakey and Whitehaven yet

hopefully we can get into the playoffs and look forward to next season

onwards and upwards 

Topic starter Posted : 30/06/2024 4:59 pm
Estimable Member

@ditton-donkey Thought Brand did ok,I agree with you about the size difference we struggled to cope.

Posted : 30/06/2024 5:05 pm
Noble Member

I thought Brogan did ok in fairness- our fringe defence and miscommunications at fb/wing let us down for the tries in the main.

Been a bad run- defeats like today give less value to the really great wins at Bradford and York.

Swinton and Dewsbury next, 4 points needed otherwise I fear for the 3rd year in a row we will have a real collapse- at least we haven't been battered at all though...

Posted : 30/06/2024 6:55 pm
Noble Member

Batley completely bullied us today. I am no coach but against a huge pack I know you need 2 props on the bench but we have our 4th as 18th man? Also this after letting our biggest prop in Walker leave to Swinton, someone that offered something different & replace him with a season long loan to a smaller player!

Can anyone let me know what Gregson offers our club?  It is ike playing permanemtly  with a man short. At least Bent tackles his heart out so our coach lends him to Crusaders!

So frustrating. 

Posted : 30/06/2024 7:02 pm
sandgroper reacted
Honorable Member

Never put any kick pressure on their last tackle, all game. To be fair, we were poor today, but gave them the game on the scoreboard, by extremely poor errors.

They had the big middles, doing the damage, again we couldn't handle their 'drives'. None of our 'Biggies' drove the ball in with any conviction. It was as if they were walking it in, compared to Brown and Ward of Batley.

See you all at Swinton


Paulie xx

Posted : 30/06/2024 7:23 pm
Noble Member

We were poor today, we gave them 3 tries, with 2 players colliding for a up and under, making a schoolboy error, letting them walk in for a try and 2 tries from overlaps and poor tackling on the wings . 
I think we lost the game when we were 4 ahead and made a break down the middle, when their player caught us, all we had to do was put a good pass to fozzard and he’d have been under the posts, and we’d have had a 10 point lead. Instead we put out a poor pass which fozzard couldn’t take.

I think we should start with Fozzard, whose been one of our best players this season, instead of waiting half an hour to bring him on, after weve usually let 1 or 2 tries in. The opposition must be made up to see him on the bench.

Posted : 30/06/2024 7:46 pm
Trusted Member

It was a hard watch today - but at least nobody has blamed the ref for the result!

And I agree with several other posters, at this level size does matter.

Posted : 30/06/2024 8:18 pm
Noble Member

Too many changes to our line up, with a number of 'new chums' in that number too. There were several times where our line was being organised as we played, not good! The mess between Owens and Roby, both full backs, one Captain, and neither shouted 'MINE' as far as we could tell.

Shambles tbh! 

We have a lightweight pack which means that our organisation has to be spot on, which it wasn't!! Bent tops the tackle count whenever he plays and we shoot him out to N Wales!!!!!

Posted : 30/06/2024 8:21 pm
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