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A week to go

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Noble Member

Ok people with a week left until the lucky team is announced what do you all reckon.

Whois going up to the promised land and who will be elevated to the best league

fixtures to start

for my money , not that I win a lot

bradfraud lucky team

newcastle up to the championship

season start 1st weekend in March


Topic starter Posted : 08/12/2020 7:40 pm
Active Member

Toulouse - expansion

Newcastle - expansion again

1st weekend in March sounds a good call

Posted : 09/12/2020 7:37 am
Noble Member

What an absolute farce.Three weeks to get your application together and then 10 weeks prep for the new SL season.Less money too.Like sending Accrington Stanley to the football Premiership at a moment's notice.Joke.




Posted : 09/12/2020 8:21 am
Reputable Member

I think Leigh would surprise quite a few SL sides if they were to get the nod, they won’t, it’ll be the Aussie frogs.

Posted : 09/12/2020 8:26 am
Honorable Member

Toulouse – expansion Newcastle – expansion again 1st weekend in March sounds a good call


I can’t believe expansion is still a debate. Failure after failure, clubs dropping out of the league yet again and people in RL still believe expansion is the systemic issues hahahaha.

And btw, I wouldn’t class Toulouse or Catalan as “expansion” as they have been playing RL for 80 years in that area of France.

Ultimately, I do think Toulouse is the best candidate but the idea of French teams in the comp was to improve the national time. Well 14 years after Catalan, the French national team is in even worse shape.

Posted : 09/12/2020 9:20 am
Noble Member

I have always thought that it should be London or Toulouse, which at least would show some belief by the RFL/SL of trying to expand the game outside the traditional areas. I think it is fair to say that Catalan have been a success and at least do have some French born players in their squad. They had average crowds of 10500 in 2019, with 31500 attending the game against Wigan at the Nou Camp. London also say that they are giving priority to developing players through their youth system and links with local amateur teams, but how much longer can the game wait for a RL breakthrough in London? For the same reason, I would go for Newcastle to be promoted to the Championship.

Leigh are probably in the best position of being able to compete in SL with the squad Beaumont has been building. There are a few teams in SL  - HKR, Wakefield and Salford - probably dreading Leigh being chosen, as it pushes them closer to relegation in 2021.

Which team is selected for SL is anyone's guess. A corrupt decision to promote Bradford to save the RFL the continuing embarrassment of owning a derelict Odsal Stadium - and possibly having to explain the decision to buy the lease in the first place; or to choose to  "expand"  the game in West Yorkshire.

My selection would be -



6/7 March start subject to any ongoing covid restrictions

Personally, I have lost interest in SL and just looking forward to getting back watching Widnes.




Posted : 09/12/2020 12:12 pm
Honorable Member

Frank, you can’t categorise Catalan has expansion. They have been playing rugby in that town for over 80 years.

Posted : 09/12/2020 12:18 pm
Noble Member

Frank, you can’t categorise Catalan has expansion. They have been playing rugby in that town for over 80 years.

I can see what you mean and agree to some extent. I would see it as expansion in developing a wider European competition. What is needed is for the RFL/SL to spell out their future vision for the game and their expansion plans within the UK, Europe and the wider world. What will be the balance between UK and non-UK teams in the UK domestic leagues? What will be the criteria for admission? How will they promote development of the game within the UK and other countries? Will they be working in partnership with the NRL, the French Federation etc in seeking to expand and promote the game in other countries.

Personally, I would see expansion within the UK as a priority and a wider European competition built on the successful development of the game in France and other European countries, as well as NA. Teams like Catalan and Toulouse may in the future see more benefits of being part of a successful domestic league in France.

Posted : 09/12/2020 12:44 pm
Noble Member

I think it will be Toulouse and Newcastle and we will start again at the beginning of March. But I also think that Catalan and Toulouse should have the same rules as other clubs and only be allowed 5 overseas players in their team.

Posted : 09/12/2020 12:45 pm
Noble Member

I think it will be Toulouse and Newcastle and we will start again at the beginning of March. But I also think that Catalan and Toulouse should have the same rules as other clubs and only be allowed 5 overseas players in their team.

Good point, but perhaps given say five years to achieve that balance. I still see Catalan and Toulouse wanting to be part of a successful domestic league in France in the future.

Posted : 09/12/2020 12:49 pm
Noble Member

Expansion zzzzzzzzzz.Fulham played their first game near 40 years ago and  still can't attract any interest above 600 or so locals in whichever district of the capital they are currently playing.Kent Invicta,Nottingham, Mansfield, Scarborough, PSG, Carlisle.There's a pattern.

Posted : 09/12/2020 1:04 pm
Trusted Member

How far has RL progressed in the last 20 odd years ? Very little I would say. Still pretty much a  minority sport played mostly in a few northern counties. Everything the RFL tries to push the game on seems to end in an embarrassing disaster. Is the sport in this country any further forward than it was in 1996 ? SL is frankly over rated and sterile. Bores me to tears TBH. I fear for the sport below SL in the long term and as for the top table, you're welcome to it.



Posted : 09/12/2020 2:17 pm
Famed Member

Rather than beating the ground for expansion, either inside the UK or not, the number of SL clubs shrinks to maximise their share of the SL spoils.

The objective of producing our own 'stars' seems to have come to nought, most 'stars' are marquee NRL names!

It certainly looks as if the NRL employs ex-players and utilises their game experience while we allow ourselves to be 'managed' by expensive market manipulators, and not very good ones at that.

Posted : 09/12/2020 3:37 pm
Reputable Member

How about going back to the original idea of only two non UK or overseas players in the teams.      That would force the clubs to produce there own players and not have to bring them in from overseas etc.   Many of the current teams have 5,6,7 or more "foreigners" in their squads.   If that cannot be done, limit teams to no  more  than 2 "foreign" players in the playing team.



Posted : 09/12/2020 3:48 pm
Honorable Member

How about going back to the original idea of only two non UK or overseas players in the teams. That would force the clubs to produce there own players and not have to bring them in from overseas etc. Many of the current teams have 5,6,7 or more “foreigners” in their squads. If that cannot be done, limit teams to no more than 2 “foreign” players in the playing team.


This would be a perfect idea, although I would limit it at 3 or 4 foreign players. In theory, you could 2/3 world class Aussies due to the money you save on buying 6 average Aussies. Italy had this model in the 80s and 90s when they had the best league in the world, created mystic and excitement on what foreign players could be signed and even smaller clubs would sign world class talent.

Ultimately, the idea of having to use academy products, makes the competition more open. Although, Wigan, Saints and Leeds would profit the most, a team like Wakefield could suddenly invest in their academy and have a golden generation and subsequently, win a trophy without needing to spend cap.

Certainly would make it more interesting and would benefit the national team.

Posted : 09/12/2020 3:56 pm
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