Eight mins in second half good break by Butt but put down by patten. Too many knock ons
48 mins Lyons does well under pressure to claim Ashall-Bott’s kick
49 Grayson knock on. Kirk off injured
50’ Joey sweeps up the danger once more as he collects Shorrocks kick in behind!
52 The Vikings get a penalty for obstruction from the hosts.
We kick for touch to half way
’ Try Toulouse. Ashall-Bott touches down from a kick in behind.
Conversion is successful
60’ Toulouse knock on at halfway.
We takeover in search of a much-needed score
Try Widnes👍 Fleming and converted 14-12
Come on Widnes
And Wire at home in the cup👍👍
Try Lannin and converted 14-18
70’ The Vikings spill it from the kick off and Toulouse have it in our 20
The Vikings force a drop out as Laguerre is forced to knock Gilly’s kick dead! 76 mins
Hold out for the last 10 - hopefully we can