Local lockdown
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Local lockdown

Active Member

Just asking do the people of Halton understand the rules

The reason I am asking is I have just been out walking my dogs and the group of 15 lads playing and hanging around together clearly don't do i take it that there parents don't also

If 1 has the virus he passes it on to the others so 15 now have it they take it home and give it to 2 more in the home now 45 have it

This is how we get where we are today looking at a long dark winter


Topic starter Posted : 24/09/2020 4:42 pm
Trusted Member

I don't think they do K.A. I go to the gym and people aren't wearing masks in areas where they should be. I get on the bus and half of the people on it aren't wearing a mask(mostly young people). They're too busy updating their FB status on their smartphones to, "Sad phone zombie with no life". The Arriva bus drivers couldn't care less. Not their problem. I go for a coffee and again, people aren't bothered about the requests to wear a mask. I go into shops and see the same. Is it any wonder why the virus is on the rise again ? I wonder why I bother trying to do the right thing. Maybe I should just do what every one else does and not care about the spread of this virus. One thing I can guarantee, these people who don't give a damn will be the first to condemn others if they become infected with Covid 19.

Posted : 27/09/2020 2:12 pm
Estimable Member

But it's all the governments fault isn't it.....?

Society as a whole has never been more selfish or self absorbed & willing to pass the blame.

Add to that there are certain elements that if the government said don't run along the motorway it's dangerous we would see a big upturn in serious RTA's!!

I don't understand it at all. We've never been more connected and people still can't follow simple (& they are simple despite what people say!) rules. Plus wearing a mask isn't arduous at all.
Like trying to put out a fire & when it's nearly out someone pours fuel on it. Very depressing.

Posted : 27/09/2020 6:06 pm
Honorable Member

In my lifetime the general lack of empathy, courtesy and basic awareness of other people and the environment a person might be in has declined to almost non-existence.

It is incredibly ironic that the advent of ‘social media’ has actually resulted in a frightening decline in communications - or rather communications that mean anything relevant.

It is very sad to say that people speak / type / message a vast amount but really say very little and they / we hear so much that there is no time to listen.





Posted : 27/09/2020 11:12 pm
Honorable Member

These half-way house rules make no sense though.

We either tackle the virus properly and go full lockdown again. And with that we'll probably wreck the economy, put 4M on the dole, finish off the hospitality and retail industries. OR, we just let people get back to normal and accept that some people will get sick, and some will die.

The rules in place right now are not going to make any difference.

Posted : 29/09/2020 6:49 am
Estimable Member

These half-way house rules make no sense though. We either tackle the virus properly and go full lockdown again. And with that we’ll probably wreck the economy, put 4M on the dole, finish off the hospitality and retail industries. OR, we just let people get back to normal and accept that some people will get sick, and some will die. The rules in place right now are not going to make any difference.

Or people could just follow the rules, and less people will die...

What's sad is all the knobs complaining about people ruining their fun etc. If their idea of fun is to go out drinking (fine), but then to congregate together with hundreds of others to chant some stupid songs in the middle of the pandemic is sad.
The other complaint about off licences etc. just doesn't wash. Make sure you have ale in the house beforehand and then if you want to carry on drinking after 10 just go back to your house.

The North West had something like 16 out of the top 20 most infected areas, and you have bellends like Anderson & Burnham still trying to score cheap political points rather than tell their constituents to follow the rules.

Posted : 29/09/2020 2:08 pm
Active Member

I agree entirely      i regulars see idiots out side pubs in smoking areas behaving like nothings hapening ,,my local is a disgrace and couldnt care less attitude multiply this into the cities observed on the telly and we are in for a rough ride

the way i see  it ,,, we need to shut the pubs and keep eating places open but close the bars and have table service only poss till 9 pm... i know this is a knee jurk but somthing needs to be done

shops must not allow customers in without face covering unless a pass from doctors    ( i have been in queues where people say there are exempt when obviously not when smoking and i am the one to get sh1t for mentioning it )

lets not go on about universities as i see a can of worms out there

50/50 split between care and couldnt care less,,        we are dooommed

Posted : 08/10/2020 9:10 pm
Active Member

For all the things Boris and his mate's have come up with i don't hear many other's coming forward with something better

1 we need to cut the virus

2 we need to keep the country running ( we are going to be paying the bill for long enough)

3 we need to protect the weak and the NHS

4 we need to protect businesses and the staff

Topic starter Posted : 10/10/2020 7:30 pm
Famed Member

Could it be the 'go it alone' Brexit logic being carried into everyday life?  They'll certainly get change but it might not be the change that they wanted.

There are so many who tbink they can just ignore Covid. They musy have had a sheltered life or been very lucky so far, but that can change.

Posted : 11/10/2020 11:04 am
Trusted Member

For all the things Boris and his mate’s have come up with i don’t hear many other’s coming forward with something better 1 we need to cut the virus 2 we need to keep the country running ( we are going to be paying the bill for long enough) 3 we need to protect the weak and the NHS 4 we need to protect businesses and the staff

Could have done what several other countries have done and implement a proper track and trace system. We've had 6 months and basically found yet another elaborate way to funnel public money into the hands of Conservative party donors and ended up with a system which clearly doesn't work.

Maybe show a bit of humility as a country and go to these places and ask them what they did/are doing. How can it be that Germany has less than a quarter of the deaths we've had with a bigger population? It's not luck it's policy.


Posted : 12/10/2020 2:11 pm
Active Member

Another quote to stir up the masses i see..you never fail to take the oppertunity to knock with baseless opinions

**We’ve had 6 months and basically found yet another elaborate way to funnel public money into the hands of Conservative party donors and ended up with a system which clearly doesn’t work.**

Nearly every country in the world is going through a second wave and none have the answer so please have a little faith that we can get throughthis despite the iddiots in pubs that dont care less about the rest of us that care deeply enough to isolate


Posted : 13/10/2020 7:45 pm
Honorable Member

How is that baseless? It's fact.

Posted : 16/10/2020 12:52 pm
Active Member

They've got at least another two months to work on it now.

Posted : 05/01/2021 5:54 pm