Labour Party Leader...
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Labour Party Leadership

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Noble Member

As the world waits with bated breath for the announcement of the new Labour leader, has the Labour Party ever been less relevant than it is today. What a legacy left by JC.

Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2020 1:58 pm
Noble Member

As the world waits with bated breath for the announcement of the new Labour leader, has the Labour Party ever been less relevant than it is today. What a legacy left by JC.

It wouldn't have been wall to wall news anyway, but with the current pandemic, it's become almost an irrelevance.

There was gonna be a press conference, but now there'll be just an announcement on Saturday, and I've read somewhere that all three candidates have been asked to pre-record their (potential) victory speech!

All that matters at present is for Britain and the World to make Covid19 history!

Stay safe one and all.


Posted : 01/04/2020 8:18 pm
Noble Member

Just been on 5Live, that Kier Starmer is our new leader, with Angela Rayner as deputy.

Probably (defo?) the most low key announcement in political history, for obvious reasons, due to Covid 19.

Stay safe everyone!


Posted : 04/04/2020 10:01 am
Eminent Member

They are even more irrelevant in Scotland. Do English folk know how many Labour MPs hold a seat here ? ( Its one. ). I feel sorry for English voters who have poor options if you are not Tory. Maybe England should have a Socialist Nationalist republican party, which excludes right wing nazis & racists.

Posted : 21/04/2020 7:04 am
Noble Member

They are even more irrelevant in Scotland. Do English folk know how many Labour MPs hold a seat here ? ( Its one. ). I feel sorry for English voters who have poor options if you are not Tory. Maybe England should have a Socialist Nationalist republican party, which excludes right wing nazis & racists.

Did you ever see how many votes the Socialist Workers Revolutionary Workers Party managed to pick up at elections? What we need is a Labour Party and leadership capable of being elected. Getting rid of Corbyn and his cronies is a good start.

Topic starter Posted : 21/04/2020 10:31 am
Reputable Member

Probably touching a few nerves here but I watched Blair's interview on breakfast TV a couple of days ago and he just makes the current crop - all parties included, look like schoolkids squabbling in a playground waiting for the headmaster to show up

Posted : 22/04/2020 1:25 pm
Eminent Member

Probably touching a few nerves here but I watched Blair’s interview on breakfast TV a couple of days ago and he just makes the current crop – all parties included, look like schoolkids squabbling in a playground waiting for the headmaster to show up

So going to War and invading countries equates to playground behaviour?.  That man has the blood of thousands on his hands.  How many British soldiers died at the hands of Blair.

Posted : 26/04/2020 11:24 pm
Reputable Member

Probably touching a few nerves here but I watched Blair’s interview on breakfast TV a couple of days ago and he just makes the current crop – all parties included, look like schoolkids squabbling in a playground waiting for the headmaster to show up

So going to War and invading countries equates to playground behaviour?. That man has the blood of thousands on his hands. How many British soldiers died at the hands of Blair.


Did you ever see the chilcot report ?

Posted : 27/04/2020 10:14 am
Active Member

A good job labour didnt get in under Corbin making my skin curl

We would be in deep do do now

This government seems to have control  under very bad conditions

Posted : 02/05/2020 5:50 pm
Noble Member

A good job labour didnt get in under Corbin making my skin curl We would be in deep do do now This government seems to have control under very bad conditions

Do you still think Boris & co have everything under control?

Posted : 16/09/2020 11:43 am
Honorable Member

A good job labour didnt get in under Corbin making my skin curl We would be in deep do do now This government seems to have control under very bad conditions

You're joking, surely?

Posted : 16/09/2020 12:42 pm
Reputable Member

The current Labour leadership are critisising the Tory Government and their attempts to get the Virus under control but I have not seen one word from Labour saying what they would do to bring the virus under control.

Posted : 07/10/2020 6:20 pm
Estimable Member

The current Labour leadership are critisising the Tory Government and their attempts to get the Virus under control but I have not seen one word from Labour saying what they would do to bring the virus under control.

When was you last time you heard something like this in any "debate"? Everything these days is look how bad the other side are, in ANY argument, rather than we would do X, Y & Z.
Fuelled by politicians, our crap media and social media.

Posted : 07/10/2020 6:56 pm
Trusted Member

A good job labour didnt get in under Corbin making my skin curl We would be in deep do do now This government seems to have control under very bad conditions

If we're playing "I've made up a scenario in my head and I'm using that to inform my opinions", here's a scenario for you, PM Corbyn deferential to UN institutions/WHO follows other countries lead and locks down earlier than the Conservative government did, and instead of 42,000** let's say it's half that, 20,000. As a result of Corbyn's clear incompetence at allowing 20,000 people to die, a Coup d'état occurs backed by most of the PLP, the Conservatives and Lib Dems with the nations press coming out in full force to declare it a Stalinesque genocide of the elderly by a man simultaneously incompetent and a machiavellian mastermind.

I find it amazing when people have to imagine up scenarios in which the former leader of the opposition would do a much worse job, to make excuses for a government that has actually, here, in reality, overseen far more deaths than ever needed, whilst simultaneously tanking the economy.

**A number which despite what you read on Facebook isn't made up of people who tested positive and then were knocked down by a bus 3 weeks later, and if anything is too small a number based on excess mortality (PHE).

Posted : 12/10/2020 2:25 pm
Trusted Member

Probably touching a few nerves here but I watched Blair’s interview on breakfast TV a couple of days ago and he just makes the current crop – all parties included, look like schoolkids squabbling in a playground waiting for the headmaster to show up

I think as a society we struggle with the difference between tone and content. A man can in his actions be responsible for the deaths of half a million people but can be invited on breakfast tv and be judged to be "reasonable". He wears a suit well and speaks eloquently and that's enough for us to disregard his actions.

Posted : 12/10/2020 2:42 pm
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