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Whitehaven in Trouble Financially

Noble Member

Sadly for the second time in a few months Whitehaven appear to be in financial trouble. Players have not been paid in July. £14,000 owed  to players. The recent home game with Toulouse only generated just over 300 spectators. I think Halifax are also struggling & no doubt quite a few more we do not know about yet. 

It is time the RL smelt the coffee, wake up & need to realise the Championship  & League 1 clubs need more central funding unless it wants the game to drastically reduce in the number of participating clubs. Advertising for new clubs  for League 1 is not the way for future success.

Topic starter Posted : 08/08/2024 8:52 pm
Robbo and Pensioner reacted
Eminent Member

Assume they have new finance now

Posted : 25/08/2024 7:48 am
Estimable Member

According to Kyle Amor money donated by Wakefields owner and supporters will ensure that haven can see the season out. What a fantastic gesture.

Posted : 10/09/2024 5:15 am
gpo1971 reacted