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Questions but no answers!

Famed Member

Still waiting for answers from the RFL regarding the Swinton Coach's bad behaviour and also the Eagles Coach and medic. 

Both matters can be directly concerning the health of players and could leave the authorities open to question by players representatives .

Both are difficult for the RFL but need answers.

Topic starter Posted : 28/08/2024 10:41 am
Noble Member

Posted by: @sandgroper

Still waiting for answers from the RFL regarding the Swinton Coach's bad behaviour and also the Eagles Coach and medic. 

Both matters can be directly concerning the health of players and could leave the authorities open to question by players representatives .

Both are difficult for the RFL but need answers.


I quite agree - however the RFL have rarely, if ever, showed itself as being overly concerned with issues involving non-SL clubs.

I hope to be proved wrong but doubt we will hear further re the Swinton episode. It happened so long ago that even the RFL has had time to investigate thoroughly and reach a conclusion if it so wished.   


Posted : 28/08/2024 2:13 pm
Estimable Member

Posted by: @sunny

Posted by: @sandgroper

Still waiting for answers from the RFL regarding the Swinton Coach's bad behaviour and also the Eagles Coach and medic. 

Both matters can be directly concerning the health of players and could leave the authorities open to question by players representatives .

Both are difficult for the RFL but need answers.


I quite agree - however the RFL have rarely, if ever, showed itself as being overly concerned with issues involving non-SL clubs.

I hope to be proved wrong but doubt we will hear further re the Swinton episode. It happened so long ago that even the RFL has had time to investigate thoroughly and reach a conclusion if it so wished.


Posted : 04/09/2024 1:11 pm
Halfback Ragnarsson
Estimable Member

Thanks LL, just seen this on the news.

Posted : 04/09/2024 1:53 pm