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Estimable Member

Warrington signing him on a 1 year deal.

Topic starter Posted : 19/05/2020 1:57 pm
Noble Member

Odd signing when he retired on medical grounds, but does add some interest and probably a fraction of the cost of SBW. The statement does say he is a mate of Steve Price.

Posted : 19/05/2020 2:36 pm
Noble Member

Warrington must have a different salary cap, they’ve already got the highest paid player in Widdop, unless Ingliss’s wife has got a job in the club shop!!

Posted : 19/05/2020 7:12 pm
Honorable Member

Sounds good. But the reality is he was a fair shadow of the player he'd been by the time he finished. Come the start of next season, he won't have played for nearly 2 years. Worth a watch though.

Posted : 20/05/2020 6:10 am
Reputable Member

Warrington must have a different salary cap, they’ve already got the highest paid player in Widdop, unless Ingliss’s wife has got a job in the club shop!!

I expected negative comments when I clicked on the thread and wasn't disappointed.  He's still only 33 and even a half fit Inglis is stand out in SL.  Huge name, box office for ticket sales - you have to applaud Warrington for getting it across the line.

Do people understand the marquee rule?  No point being remotely bothered about Widdop's salary, it's irrelevant.  Are you aware there are 8 dispensations for clubs regarding the salary club based on your success and off  the field work?

Austin and Widdop salaries dont' count, Burell is only 50% as he's been signed from rugby union, international bonuses and winning bonuses (Challenge Cup) are exempt - home grown players give you a reduction - there are plenty of ways around it.  If you're smart you can spend well over the cap and be within the rules.

Posted : 20/05/2020 7:55 am
Famed Member

Would be nice to see him in the flesh but he hasn't been on top form for some reason and after he retired there was a hint that he was suffering from depression. Sad for such a fantastic player in his prime.

Maybe he can pick things up from Gells?

Posted : 20/05/2020 9:04 am
Noble Member

I don't think there has been a negative reaction to the signing.

Some have questioned the financial ability of Warrington to make the signing,  after only recently saying how much the corona virus has impacted on the financial streams of the club, with losses of £1m and rising. Some, like me, have drawn attention to his fitness record and his retirement from the NRL on medical grounds, which does make the signing questionable, but Warrington will have presumably carried out their own medical checks.

My guess is that he will be costing a lot less than SBW and will have a far bigger impact on the game. Why do people only talk about raising the profile of SL? I suspect that Warrington will sell enough Greg Inglis shirts to offset a great part of his contract in 2021.

He is one of the few players from other teams that I would pay to watch. Come on Widnes, get planning that Christmas friendly with Warrington when we can see him play - or maybe even get him on loan for a few games! . I wonder who our marquee signing will be in 2021?



Posted : 20/05/2020 12:32 pm
Honorable Member

He didn’t retire because of a physical injury. He spoke publicly after signing for Warrington and said he has had two spells I rehab but has been off the booze for a year now. No doubt his peak days are behind him but even as a 33 year old at about 60 - 70 % of his best is worth going to see. It reminds me of Mal Menninga signing for Saints back in the day.

Posted : 21/05/2020 3:48 am
Famed Member

TBH it would be good to see how a real centre operates, even if he's not as quick as he once was. Recall seeing him play for Australia at Wigan, he really was something else!

We have enjoyed some golden oldies ourselves in Moran, TKL, even Vinty and Collier were at the run down of their prime time but were still great to watch.

Posted : 21/05/2020 10:53 am