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Does Powell have a point?

Famed Member

Just wonder what the general feeling is regarding DP's outburst. There were a few odd calls in the Cas game on Thursday. Cook's ten minute looked a bit OTT he stopped, hands by his side as the Hull player ran into him!

Topic starter Posted : 03/10/2020 9:40 am
Trusted Member

Used to really like Powell but it’s just moan after moan after moan these days. Boring

Posted : 03/10/2020 10:19 am
Noble Member

Powell has done a great job at Cas, imagine if we had got him around the time he went to Featherstone....

In fairness, he has got a bit grumpy, maybe time for him to move on?

Also, no one is telling me there has been a definitive improvement in refereeing standards since they went full time, they may be fitter but not necessarily better.

Posted : 03/10/2020 12:15 pm
Noble Member

Powell has seriously gone down in my estimation of late with his moaning and whinging!

I don't recall him finding much wrong with refs when Cas were top of the league! I wonder why?

With his body language on Thursday, you'd have thought he had the World on his shoulders!

It's time he wound his neck in, and got a life!



Posted : 03/10/2020 4:29 pm
Famed Member

When you're winning you can bear the odd ref error, but when you are loosing everybody is against you!

We don't know just how narrow a road Cas are treading atm. They might need success to balance their books.

Topic starter Posted : 03/10/2020 8:55 pm
Estimable Member

I thought the final Salford try was highly debatable, Ref Liam Moore awarded the try, but he was surely unsighted and even ran behind the heavily padded upright, there were bodies all over the tackle, his line of sight was surely obscured, I defy anyone that they could say definitely the ball was grounded on the floor, even the Video Ref Hicks couldn't confirm that the ball was in fact grounded and went with the on field decision of a try.. Always said that if the decision goes upstairs, the referee should play no part in the decision of awarding the try or not..

Posted : 07/10/2020 1:49 pm
Noble Member

No mention of the ref in Powell's interview tonight! I wonder why? LOL


Posted : 22/10/2020 7:52 pm
Famed Member

Looking at the old games there were many 'questionable' tries in the corners, likewise dodgy scrums and ptb's.  Are we any better off these days?

Topic starter Posted : 23/10/2020 8:58 am