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Estimable Member

@farnworth-viking How do you know?

Posted : 02/05/2024 9:13 pm
Estimable Member

He doesn't, it just fits his narrative of hating R.U and their crowds.
They've done 1 match a season at "Rugby H.Q"... for years and always get big crowds. Not sure if they've always had someone on performing or not either?!

I'd also love to know the ticket prices, as I doubt very much they were all £10-£20 each.

Either way 56k for a non-international match is a great effort regardless. If Wigan played Saints at Old Trafford with someone decent playing (& I like some of her music but it's hardly the Beatles) then they prob wouldn't get 56k.
The constant hating or comparisons is petty and mind boggling. Either ignore it, or applaud it. Don't rubbish it.

Posted : 03/05/2024 10:06 am
Sinbad reacted
Estimable Member

I'm struggling to take anyone serious who would think  people will pay £100 to see Jess Glynn.

Posted : 03/05/2024 2:51 pm
Honorable Member

Well if Billie Eilish is £350 a ticket as it said on the News yesterday, I'm sure a Jess Glynne ticket won't be cheap.

Harlequins play a League game at Twickenham every year and always get a big crowd. In fact, if it was 56,000 they'll probably be p'd off, they've had 80,000 in the past.

Posted : 03/05/2024 4:28 pm
Estimable Member

@gpo1971 Jess Glynn tickets currently on ticketmaster for as little as 40 quid

Posted : 03/05/2024 5:34 pm
Noble Member

8000 at Leigh today v Cas and 7600 last week v Catalans.Hats off,Widnes rarely got gates like that in SL apart from local derby games with big away support.

Posted : 04/05/2024 7:06 pm
Honorable Member

10,500 at HKR as well, who are great to watch by the way. Bodes well, it's turning into a great SL season in terms of competition.

For banter's sake though, there was a club RU game today that got an attendance of 82,300 😆 

Posted : 04/05/2024 8:37 pm
Estimable Member

@sinbad And the game we let thousands in for free, can't remember the opposition though?

Posted : 06/05/2024 12:29 pm
Estimable Member

Just on those attendances at Leigh, they really are fantastic crowds when you consider the towns population is 21,000 less than Widnes. 

Posted : 06/05/2024 12:35 pm
Sinbad reacted
Estimable Member

Just over 64,000 at the final yesterday, it's been 8 years since there was an attendance over 70k. Is it time to move the game to a more suitable venue?

Posted : 09/06/2024 7:19 am
Noble Member

For some reason the Challenge Cup doesn’t seem as important to fans as it used to.

Looking at the tv pictures, it looked as though the biggest section of empty seats, were the expensive ones near the middle, as well as the top tier. Wouldn’t it be better for the RFL to reduce the price of the most expensive seats, and hopefully sell more, and make it look better on the tv?

Do you think we might have got some more spectators from people who like both Union and League if the Union final hadn’t been played at the same time?

Topic starter Posted : 09/06/2024 6:13 pm
Estimable Member

When I was young, the final was the big day out for the north and every club would send plenty of coaches. I just can't see the attraction these days, I used to go every year but attend the GF now, as its only down the road.

For me a day trip to London just isn't the big deal it once was.

Posted : 10/06/2024 6:53 am
Estimable Member

Posted by: @widnes77

Just over 64,000 at the final yesterday, it's been 8 years since there was an attendance over 70k. Is it time to move the game to a more suitable venue?

I know that they'll count all the Club Wembley tickets, but was there really 64k there? I'm not normally a conspiracist when it comes to attendances, but there was such a massive space in the upper deck that was completely empty that 64k seems bit optimistic to me.



Posted : 10/06/2024 12:33 pm
Estimable Member

@torn-sock-1 did think that myself.

Posted : 11/06/2024 5:16 am
Noble Member

What do you think is the main reason for lower attendances at Wembley?

The SL Grand Final

The cost of match tickets

Going to London for the day/weekend, isn’t a big thing anymore.

Something else



Topic starter Posted : 11/06/2024 8:08 am
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