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Trusted Member

Who are the current staff?

I’ve heard the makeshift conditioner Kurtis has left last week, leaving just the head coach and his assistant O’Brien.

That’s isn’t a top 5 set up, again in my opinion that’s all.

Topic starter Posted : 04/01/2021 6:39 pm
Famed Member

Cant believe that with so many gyms in the borough there isnt one bod who does fitness and conditioning.

Posted : 04/01/2021 7:18 pm
Eminent Member

Who are the current staff? I’ve heard the makeshift conditioner Kurtis has left last week, leaving just the head coach and his assistant O’Brien. That’s isn’t a top 5 set up, again in my opinion that’s all.


We are part-time championship club ( currently) and we train twice a week,  players win you the match on the field, I don't see how having multiple coaching really benefits anyone really.

Posted : 04/01/2021 7:19 pm
Famed Member

Can't believe that among all the gyms in the borough there isn't somebody who does fitness and conditioning. A few clubs have had a new fitness man this season.

Posted : 04/01/2021 7:21 pm
Noble Member

I don’t see how having multiple coaching really benefits anyone really.

Me neither.Did'nt do us much good in 2018.

Posted : 04/01/2021 7:26 pm
Eminent Member

Part time players with real jobs to do as well , to many coaches will burn them out

Posted : 04/01/2021 8:46 pm
Famed Member

Part time players with real jobs to do as well , to many coaches will burn them out

Good point, at pt level conditioning etc can't be as intense as ft, mainly aerobic fitness plus weights I guess. Iirc Hatton is studying fitness etc in his working role.

Stamina is pretty much the key, still running strong at 60 mins and to the whistle will win matches.

Posted : 04/01/2021 9:14 pm
Trusted Member

Yeh. Some good points to be fair, I guess part time lads should and will be keeping themselves fit away from the club.

Topic starter Posted : 04/01/2021 9:23 pm
Honorable Member

Yeh. Some good points to be fair, I guess part time lads should and will be keeping themselves fit away from the club.


I think Purtil actually said in 2019 how part time players are different to how they used to be, for instance, many PTs exist in the part time ranks and many players have the propensity to to attend the gym in their personal time hence why they are more fitter and conditioned than in previous years.

I agree, that it would be nice to have a coaching set up, but when players train twice a week for 4 hours, I think a manager worth his salt would relish taking sole charge.


Also, never understood why we can’t just  ask one of our ex local players to come in once a week to help run training and match days, on a voluntary basis.

Posted : 05/01/2021 12:18 pm
Famed Member

Good point re - explayers getting involved. Hearing how the Hulmes impressed Jack Owens in the buildup to the Wembley 1895 Cup run.

Suppose that it depends on how Simon wants to run things, but fitness is an every day activity that any player worth his salt would be into for himself. They have the gym which many will not have, needing someone to set up regimes for each individualto follow, depending on what their aims are.

Overall stamina is usually running of some sort, again probably each player will do that anyway. In my young days Percy Cerruty used running on sand and dunes to achieve results but there are plenty of hills around here!

Posted : 05/01/2021 12:40 pm
Honorable Member

Good point re – explayers getting involved. Hearing how the Hulmes impressed Jack Owens in the buildup to the Wembley 1895 Cup run. Suppose that it depends on how Simon wants to run things, but fitness is an every day activity that any player worth his salt would be into for himself. They have the gym which many will not have, needing someone to set up regimes for each individualto follow, depending on what their aims are. Overall stamina is usually running of some sort, again probably each player will do that anyway. In my young days Percy Cerruty used running on sand and dunes to achieve results but there are plenty of hills around here!



Exactly, I don’t see why an Ex player would coach Halton Hornets under 9s but wouldn’t volunteer for Widnes once or twice a week, surely an Ex player would love just to be back involved passing on their knowledge!

Posted : 05/01/2021 1:18 pm
Prominent Member

Think there’s another assistant coach too.

A coach who has worked in our academy and Saints’. Done some stuff with Wales, too.

Posted : 05/01/2021 1:23 pm
Trusted Member

Think there’s another assistant coach too. A coach who has worked in our academy and Saints’. Done some stuff with Wales, too.


Think Neil Belshaw his name is, a mate of O Brien. Not done much but been involved here and there. All done on the cheap.

Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2021 3:05 pm
Prominent Member

The players me be part time but they still get paid a wage, its up to them to look after themselves outside of training. Don't we have some full timers still ? They should be taking charge of the fitness of players.

Posted : 05/01/2021 3:22 pm
Noble Member

They won’t be able to train in a public gym for the next 6-8 weeks, I don’t know if the rules allow them to train in our own gym. If not they’re going to struggle to be fit for the start of the season. By the time they finish work it will be dark, and literally freezing, so not the best time to go out running.
It would just be widnes’s luck for a player to slip and break something.

Posted : 05/01/2021 3:54 pm
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