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Protest by non attendance

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Reputable Member
Posted by: @toeknee-myler

I can understand why the coach had to go but the man who appointed him and signed the players sits there with apparently the full support of the directors. He was James Rule's nodding dog backing up all the lies and should if he has any conscience resign. Lets see if any other club rates his business skills.

The board seem totally impotent

Posted : 05/06/2022 5:13 pm
Noble Member

@mt it would need to be at seasons end but I would like to see a statement from the club now  stating they will be evaluating players contracts and will be making changes if players aren’t up to the standard, they aren’t getting the best out of the players and at this level that’s paramount 

Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2022 5:46 pm
Noble Member

You’d hope they are doing this anyway. But I’d agree a significant proportion of the squad is going to need replacing if we are going to be able to make any worthwhile progress. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by MT
Posted : 05/06/2022 5:51 pm
Mckviking reacted
Famed Member

Sadly all the shouting and swearing, even putting posts in CAPITALS won't change what needs changing. Violent action generally will possibly scupper the club for good.

That, at the moment, might make us feel better but it doesn't provide the future that we want any more than railing against Rule & Co did.

I have no doubt that the Board will be well aware with the fan's concerns and probably share them. But they are in a better position to change what needs changing. 

Let us hope that they do it!


Posted : 05/06/2022 6:08 pm
Noble Member

Can’t see any shouting, swearing and posts in capitals on this thread. Complaining perhaps, but justifiably so and being done in a civil manner. 

Posted : 05/06/2022 6:19 pm
Mckviking and Sinbad reacted
Prominent Member

We are paying £20 for NW Counties RL at the minute. It's unacceptable.


Paulie xx

Posted : 05/06/2022 8:01 pm
Active Member

I don’t see the cycle we’re in being broke any time soon. We certainly don’t have the resources to compete with Leigh/Featherstone but do we have the expertise at management/board level to dig us out of this? We can’t accuse the owners of empty promises but the frustration of having close to 15+ years of underachievement in this division despite numerous owners/coaches is the primary reason myself and many others are close to calling it a day.

Posted : 05/06/2022 8:02 pm
Johnnyboy reacted
Honorable Member
Posted by: @mckeeverviking

It’s simple, if the staff aren’t doing their job replace them with staff who are competent from top to bottom 

It actually simple to say but as the past decade amply proves, it is extremely difficult to actually do.

What the club lacks (has for living memory lacked) is money. The people running the club do not have enough money to change the situation and the people out there who would have enough money are just not interested. We can’t survive at the level we are at with the resources we have at our disposal. Our slide down the slope is far from over.

Posted : 06/06/2022 1:15 am
Mckviking reacted
Noble Member

@royston-vasey I disagree, we should have the money to assemble a competitive squad at least at champ level. I don’t have the clubs bank balance or pay roll information but with the amount of fans we had over the last few seasons and viqi we should do ok. Is there more we should be doing as a club to generate more revenue streams absolutely. The club needs to be looking for a new owner who is passionate about the club/sport/winning rather than run like a charity shop where as long as we stay open we are doing enough which is going to be very difficult to come back from

Topic starter Posted : 06/06/2022 1:23 am
Honorable Member

@mckeeverviking I think a lot of the revenue in recent times has gone towards paying off (the cumulative) debts from previous administrations. I agree that we should have done better with recruitment this season but we didn’t and that is down to the current management not being equipped for the job.

I think we have very little chance of attracting a backer - there just isn’t the interest in the game or, in our case, the club and, within the current set up of the game, there is about 0% chance of a positive return on investment.

if there is anybody out there with significant cash to invest (and half a brain) they will be waiting to see what happens with the (IMG lead ?) restructure, and specifically at the elite level of the game.

Posted : 06/06/2022 5:19 am
Mckviking reacted
Eminent Member

Well I will be attending, the Womens need our support , the disability team needs our support , the men's team needs some confidence 

Posted : 06/06/2022 6:05 am
Mckviking reacted
Estimable Member
Posted by: @mckeeverviking

My comments aren’t a personal attack on anyone rather than a reality check that’s overdue 

The reality is, we are not currently a professional sports club. 

I understand its been a difficult situation and on paper our squad of players should be 4th in the league. 

Players need direction, motivation and targets from a good coach,. 

Our players are just as good as barrow or york or batley if not better. 

I will be at the next game


Posted : 06/06/2022 7:31 am
Mckviking reacted
Reputable Member
Posted by: @mckeeverviking

@royston-vasey I disagree, we should have the money to assemble a competitive squad at least at champ level. I don’t have the clubs bank balance or pay roll information but with the amount of fans we had over the last few seasons and viqi we should do ok. Is there more we should be doing as a club to generate more revenue streams absolutely. The club needs to be looking for a new owner who is passionate about the club/sport/winning rather than run like a charity shop where as long as we stay open we are doing enough which is going to be very difficult to come back from

You are missing the elephant in the room, despite what some posters on here would have you believe the current board were far from the only bidders for the club

They were however the preferred bidders of both the administrators and the council due to their willingness to take on the debts of the previous regime and the money "we should have" has been spent paying this back and paying the wages of charlatansand who retain positions at the club despite a record of years of failure and wasted revenue in every area they have overseen

Posted : 06/06/2022 8:21 am
Mckviking reacted
Prominent Member
Posted by: @mt

The theory might be simple, replacing staff on a large scale would be quite difficult in reality. 

That should be easy staff won't be on yearly contracts including the CEO, but in theory if the CEO had any pride he would fall on his sword but he has the arrogance of Boris.

Posted : 06/06/2022 8:36 am
Mckviking reacted
Honorable Member

@mick-george I don’t think that the problem is with the getting rid of the current mob Mick, the problem might be finding a group soft in the head enough to want to replace them.

Posted : 06/06/2022 9:09 am
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