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Next Season Proposals.

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Famed Member

According to the LE consideration will be given to next year's games at a two day meeting on 5 and 6 November.

A suggestion that March could be devoted to Cup playoffs (CC and 1895) behind closed doors sounds too sensible! Gates are poor for these games anyway so wouldn't disrupt funding too much.

From April crowds are likely to be allowed, hopefully!


Topic starter Posted : 26/10/2020 3:04 pm
Noble Member

Why not have the 1895 as a glorified pre-season competition, pools of 4 or 5, leading to Quarters, Semi, Final later on in the season.

If fans are let in from April 1st, clubs can cash in by having big league home fixtures on Good Friday and Easter Monday.

Big IF though.

Posted : 26/10/2020 3:45 pm
Famed Member

Reasonable idea to play the cup games early though, however its done. Keeps the Season Ticket coverage simple.

Very magnanimous of TWP to suggest a two point deduction next year, plus a share of the SL money, if they are allowed into SL!

Surely there are precedents for the point deduction!!!!!

Topic starter Posted : 26/10/2020 4:05 pm
Estimable Member

Should be a two point deduction for each game they have missed in my opinion and no SL money.

Keep them in the SL with that points deduction and we can swap with them at the end of 2021.

I would only like to see the Wolfpack relegated to the championship is if they bring a huge points deduction with them, or they are likely just to buy a promotion again.


Posted : 27/10/2020 10:19 am
Noble Member

Why not tell them to play in the Canadian league? My bet is a six point deduction, no SL money in 2021 but review in 2022.

Maybe the RFL/SL will take the opportunity to actual spell out their long term strategy for the transatlantic SL ie how many teams will they admit from NA/Europe/GB  and what plans for the rest of RL in the UK - or is it just an ad hoc approach to jump into the pocket of every passing millionaire with a team?

Posted : 27/10/2020 10:37 am
Noble Member

Let them continue in SL next year and watch the pantomime unfold.

Posted : 27/10/2020 12:11 pm
Famed Member

Why not tell them to play in the Canadian league? My bet is a six point deduction, no SL money in 2021 but review in 2022.

Maybe the RFL/SL will take the opportunity to actual spell out their long term strategy for the transatlantic SL ie how many teams will they admit from NA/Europe/GB and what plans for the rest of RL in the UK – or is it just an ad hoc approach to jump into the pocket of every passing milylionaire with a team?

Now you know that that is much too organised! Just play the old jab and move until something happens!

Topic starter Posted : 27/10/2020 12:49 pm
Noble Member

Be interesting to see if this is affected by the TV deal: apparently up to 30% less on the table from SKY, reported in INews (couldn't get the link to work).

I know that would only kick in from the following season but it's not great.

Posted : 30/10/2020 3:23 pm
Estimable Member

BBC sport is reporting that a four man SL committee has put forward a report saying that there is no way the Wolfpack should be readmitted to SL as they are not a strong enough brand and an intercontinental competition is not financially viable.

The SL vote is on Monday and there are some SL chief executives,mainly it seems Gary Hetherington, who were banging the Toronto drum.

Posted : 30/10/2020 4:31 pm
Noble Member

Would any or many games actually be played in Canada with Covid anyway?

Worst thing that could happen from our point of view here is that they get rejected but put in the Championship.

Posted : 30/10/2020 4:34 pm
Estimable Member

The report states that Toronto are going to play all games in the UK in 2021, which further asks how will this grow support in North America.

Posted : 30/10/2020 5:35 pm
Noble Member



Posted : 30/10/2020 5:58 pm
Famed Member

With a major Sky reduction in money and a highly unlikely drop in cash for SL clubs it is even more critical that the non-SL game is re-structured. Multi-year contracts already agreed will eat up cash.

Can't see many clubs being too happy with a cut in funds tbh.

Topic starter Posted : 30/10/2020 7:00 pm
Noble Member

The report states that Toronto are going to play all games in the UK in 2021, which further asks how will this grow support in North America.

I think madness is too kind a word. Someone at RFL/SL needs to grow a pair and admit that this so called NA expansion has been a mistake. They should wish TWP/Ottawa well in growing the Canadian league, but I guess the RFL are afraid of a legal challenge. A complete mess.

Posted : 30/10/2020 8:44 pm
Estimable Member

Gary Hetherington is saying that Toronto's season was wrecked by coronavirus.

Well, so was everybody's. The difference is, the other 11 SL clubs have muddled through, often playing with decimated squads. If they are willing to play all home matches in the UK next season, why could they not have relocated to the UK when the virus threatened the season.

In my humble opinion, it was just an excuse to try and cover the fact that they were potless and the virus was an excuse to attempt to paper over the cracks of one of the most poorly run clubs in the history of the game.

Posted : 30/10/2020 11:22 pm
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