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Less Rugby League to watch on Sky

Noble Member

If Sky are going to carry on showing SL matches on Sky Plus, then you will only be able to watch 1 match, and you won’t be able to watch the first half of that match and if you have to go out ,record the 2nd half of the match.

So as has been the norm this season, and theirs 3 matches on a Friday and you’re going out, you won’t be able to watch any of them, as you can’t record off the red button. You also can’t fast forward a bit of the match and see what you’re fast forwarding, or how long your fast forwarding.

So instead of being able to watch all 6 SL games, if you want to, the most you will be able to watch is 2/3 depending on how many matches are on each day. 

And going by last night, there are no repeats of the matches on any of the other sports channels and you can’t watch on the red button later on, like you can on I Player.

So if you’re a RL fan and your paying for all the sports channels, you’re getting a lot less value for money.


Topic starter Posted : 10/08/2024 9:07 am
Trusted Member

Not subscribing to any of the Premium TV channels, but if this in correct, then it sounds like yet another case of the rugby league shooting itself in the foot once again.

In their desperate attempt to be loved by the media, they appear to want to accept any deal - whether it be good or bad - without really understanding what they signing up to. Mind, that is hardly surprising given the fact that they have had to employ an external contractor (IMG) to tell them how to run the sport because they have no idea themselves!!

I have never known a sport that seems happy enough to accelerate its own demise with any number of daft decisions that do nothing to endear itself to its own fans, let alone the wider sporting public.

I would suggest, that even a routine straw pole amongst fans would come up with a more sensible plan for going forward to what is currently on offer.

But then again, what do I know?!!

Posted : 11/08/2024 11:13 am
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